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Special Disinfection Service

Special Disinfection Service

Coronavirus (COVID -19)

Disinfection / Sanitization service – Mumbai

Special Disinfection / Sanitization Service to tackle Corona Virus

In the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, we all want to keep our family and society safe. Taking protective measures like washing hands and keeping social distance are crucial. However, when we have to go outside for inevitable reasons, it is important for us to be safe & protected. Therefore, it is vital to add an extra layer of safety to keep our homes as well as the neighbourhood sanitized.
In order to ensure your well-being & to keep the society free from bacteria/ viruses; our team at Aegis Pest Control – Mumbai, has crafted a robust Sanitization/ Disinfection Treatment.

Why should you go for Disinfection and how often?

  • To prevent ourselves from the risk of getting infected from Corona (Covid-19) or any other viral diseases, as the viruses can survive on different surfaces for various lengths of time.
  • It is advised to carry out the treatment depending upon the number of visitors, the number of people living in the house/ society, whether if there are people working in high-risk areas, if anyone around is unwell, etc.

Safety measures to protect yourself from COVID-19

  • Stay at home and don’t go outside unless necessary.
  • Maintain personal hygiene, cleanliness at home and wash your hands regularly.
  • Keep an alcohol-based sanitizer with you at all times.
  • Avoid touching your face, eyes, ears, and nose.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Discard used tissues in the dustbin covered with a lid.
  • Keep an individual sanitation kit handy.
  • If you see any symptoms such as fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, and troubled breathing, please seek medical help immediately.

While making it safe for you, we also take special care of our team & their families. All the employees at Aegis Pest Control Services have been provided with safety tools. We ensure that all the precautions are taken and safety regulations laid down by the authorities are followed at our workplace.

Let’s beat Corona together.

Contact us now at 022-2102 19 99 or 9819 893 916 to make your home safe.

Contact AEGIS Pest Control for Disinfection Service Now!

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