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Coronavirus & Disinfection FAQ – AEGIS Pest Control

What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a non- living organism. It is not a bacteria as bacteria are living organisms. It is more than a packet of genetic material surrounded by a spiky protein shell. Therefore, it cannot be killed by antibiotics as it’s a non-living virus. The virus has the quality of surviving although it’s non-living. It’s an active virus which can be deactivated by destroying its outer layer.

How does the virus affect the Human Body?

As the virus gets into a human airway, it hijacks our cells to create millions more versions of itself.
When the viruses encounter a host, they use proteins on their surfaces to unlock and invade its unsuspecting cells. Then they take control of those cells’ molecular machinery to produce and assemble the materials needed for more viruses.
Among RNA (ribonucleic acid- molecule essential in various biological roles of genes) viruses, coronaviruses — named for the protein spikes that adorn them like points of a crown —are capable of producing extra proteins that bolster their success.
Once inside a cell, a virus can make 10,000 copies of itself in a matter of hours. Within a few days, the infected person will carry hundreds of millions of viral particles in every teaspoon of his blood.
The onslaught triggers an intense response from the host’s immune system: Defensive chemicals are released. The body’s temperature rises, causing fever. Armies of germ-eating white blood cells swarm the infected region. Often, this response is what makes a person feel sick.

What is Disinfection treatment that we, at AEGIS are carrying out?

We are using a high end misting machine to carry out the disinfection treatment by using products of Dr. Schumacher GmbH which have proved their efficacy in disinfecting the surfaces.

As the virus is an enveloped virus, the product used by us has the ability to deactivate the virus, ensuring its effectiveness against the virus.

These products used by us offer “limited virucidal” (effective against enveloped viruses) efficacy in addition to bactericidal (kills bacteria) and yeasticidal efficacy, making it suitable for use against the Corona virus.

What precautions and Services are provided by AEGIS Care?

With over 18 years of experience in the Pest Control Industry, we have a very well equipped team to carry out the Disinfection and Sanitization treatment in hospitals, canteens, offices, housing societies, residential premises and commercial areas, vehicles, educational institutions, warehouses, common public areas, etc., all over Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane district, thus doing our bit to curb the spread of this virus.

We are taking all precautionary measures to keep our technicians sanitized and provide them with all the safety tools & measures like the PPE Kit (Personal Protective Equipment). We also ensure that all the regulations laid down by the authorities are followed at our workplace.

How to protect ourselves and others from the virus?

• Maintain personal hygiene, cleanliness at home and wash your hands regularly.
• Eat food that boots your immunity.
• Avoid touching your face- eyes, ears, and nose.
• Discard used tissues in the dustbin covered with a lid.
• Keep an alcohol-based sanitizer with you at all times.
• If you see any symptoms such as fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, and troubled breathing, please seek medical help immediately.
• Avoid stepping out of the house unless necessary.
• Wear a mask when going out.
• Follow the guidelines laid down by the government.

Contact AEGIS Pest Control for Disinfection Service Now!

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